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How to avoid edge loading carabiners

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Scenario: you’re building a multi piece gear anchor. You place a cam in the perfect spot but . . . Bummer, the racking carabiner is being loaded over the edge of the crack or some other non-optimal way.

(This might also happen when sport climbing: if route developer drilled a bolt in the wrong place, and your quickdraw carabiner is loaded over an edge.)

Why is edge loading a carabiner bad?

  1. It can dramatically weaken the carabiner, as in breaking around 3-4 kN rather than the rating of 22+ kN!

  2. The carabiner gate might start rubbing and opening against the rock, which you never want to have happen.

Not good! Whaddya do?!

(Apologies for the not-so-great photos, they’re screen grabs from a video I made about this.)

Here are two ways to handle this.

Method 1: basket hitch

Basket hitch a sling to the cam sling or thumb loop. Now the sling is loaded over the edge of the crack, not the carabiner. Much better!

You could put a girth hitch on the cam sling instead of a basket hitch, but the girth hitch is quite a bit less strong.

Simply push the racking carabiner off to one side and ignore it; you don't need it for the anchor.

Method 2: Tie an overhand knot in the sling and clip below it

If you don't have enough material to make a basket hitch, try this.

Tie an overhand knot in the sling (or one leg of the cordelette). Pass a loop of the sling through the cam sling or thumb loop, then clip it below the knot as shown below.

Now, the purple sling is loaded over the rock edge, and not your carabiner. Nice!

  • Want to see my video demo of the overhand knot trick?

  • How about the test results of how bad edge loading actually is?

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