Ascenders - when not to use the handle


This tip idea is from Australian rigging expert Richard Delaney. Connect with Richard on Instagram and his YouTube channel, where he has loads of concise, informative videos.

Just because there's a handle on your ascender doesn't mean you have to use it.

Handles can be great on lower angled rock, but if things get vertical, it might be more ergonomic or comfortable to put your hand on top of the ascender. Squeeze and lift the top to slide it up, and sort of press down on the sides and top as you stand up.

Keeping your hand off of the handle can serve as a subtle reminder that you shouldn’t be trying to do one arm pull ups. Use your legs to push up, and your arms mostly for balance.

Big wall climbers will usually use handled ascenders, because they are alternating between low angle and steeper rock. Rope access people may choose to avoid handled ascenders, or use them in the way shown here.

Here's another option: use the handle on the top ascender, but skip it on the bottom one. Below is a screen grab from a nice instructional video from big wall expert Chris McNamara, check out his technique.

  • His right hand is in the handle of the top ascender.

  • His left hand is holding the top of the bottom ascender.

Another option: you don't necessarily need a handled ascender at all. For example, a Petzl Croll can be used as a hand ascender by wrapping in your hand around the top. 

A Petzl Basic is designed to curve your hand around, no handle necessary.

Of course, be careful not to mess with the black release mechanism with your fingers. Always have two connections to the rope!

Petzl Croll ascender

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