photo: me on Moonlight Buttress, Zion Nat Park
Hello climber friends!
I'm John Godino, a 25+ year resident of Portland Oregon and adventure seeker on mountains, whitewater rivers, and mountain bike trails.
I hail from Northern California, and along the life path I've been a US Forest Service wilderness ranger and wildland firefighter, have a Masters degree in geosciences / cartography, active in the sport of competitive orienteering, and have been a long time volunteer climb leader, navigation and mountaineering instructor.
I am not a credentialed mountain guide. I’m a regular guy, with average skills, and a curiosity about new or overlooked techniques. I learn things that I think are cool, and pass them on here in the hopes that other people may feel the same way.
This website was started in 2018. Since then it's grown to have more than 550 articles on intermediate and advanced climbing technique. This is the largest and most detailed collection of climbing tips available anywhere, in any form.
You can find me on Instagram @alpinesavvy with more than 100K followers.
Here's what you (happily) WON’T find on my website:
Annoying pop up ads (that plague just about every other blog-type website).
Affiliate marketing links (where a blogger recommends a product, and then they get a cut of the sale).
Brand sponsorships (hard for me to stay objective).
Paid product reviews (you never know if someone truly likes something or they're just getting paid to say it's great).
Do you appreciate the no-ads clean look and the objective tips I provide? I sure hope so. This is made possible by the folks who support my work by being a Premium Member.
This gives you access to exclusive member content, monthly gear giveaways, and discounts on things climbers love.
What can Alpinesavvy offer you?
Ideas and information to help you climb better, smarter, and safer
Share lesser known approaches to climbing, that you won’t find in the usual instruction books
Help ensure you don’t get lost on a hike or climb that has been done thousands of times
Make modern navigational tools and skills available to a broader audience