Premium Member Bonus Articles
Every month I publish a bonus article, just for members. Here's a summary.
These are NOT available on the public part of my website.
These articles are usually a bit shorter, and cover more intermediate and advanced level techniques.
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Tame your crampon strap with a hair tie
Crampons straps that flop around (and might even trip you up) are a hassle! Here's one way to deal with it, using the humble hair elastic “scrunchie”.
Add a carabiner to the master point knot
Here is a simple trick to make untying your master point a bit easier - include a carabiner in the knot. Note, this is NOT for clipping anything; it's only to help you untie the anchor when you're done.
Deep dive article on ski repair tips & tricks
You carry a first aid kit for your body. You also need one for your ski gear, because not having one can turn a small problem into a major epic. Here’s the most detailed article you’ll ever read on backcountry ski repair, from the pros at Cascade Mountain Ascents.
Pacific NW mountain weather tutorial
Seattle based mountain athlete Kyle McCrohan wrote a great three part series on weather in the Pacific NW as it relates to climbers and skiers. While focused on the Cascades, there are a lot of gems that apply to many different areas, so it’s worth a read for everyone.
Keep it quiet for the tie in knot
Whatever conversation you're having, take a break when you or anyone else is tying into the rope.
Snow anchors with Black Diamond and Mark Smiley
Black Diamond recently collaborated with IFMGA Guide Mark Smiley to test the strength of different snow anchor configurations. Some of the results were pretty surprising!
“The Prescription”: accident reports from the AAC
"The Prescription" is a free monthly accident report from the American Alpine Club (AAC). Learn from the choices of others.
Why you need to drink more water in the mountains
Yeah yeah, everyone knows climbers need to hydrate properly to perform well. But do you know the interesting physiology behind actually why this true?
Coming soon: satellite texting from your iPhone
In 2022, Apple introduced satellite texting for emergency services only. That was groundbreaking, and it's about to get a big upgrade. Starting September 2024 with an iPhone 14 or newer (and the latest operating system, iOS 18) you'll be able to send non-emergency SMS / text messages via satellite when you don't have Wi-Fi or cell connectivity.