Test your skills with the wilderness navigation challenge
How good are your backcountry navigation skills?
Try the Wilderness Navigation Challenge and find out.
The Navigation Challenge is a series of about 80 questions and answers/explanations that cover beginner to intermediate wilderness navigation skills. (It's designed as a teaching tool and for self-evaluation, not as a "test", so no test anxiety please!) If you're a beginner, you will learn a lot. If you’re already skilled in wilderness navigation, you will still learn a few new tricks.
All aspects of navigation are covered, among them:
The 3 kinds of map scale
Using a map grid, a twig and your finger to measure distance
Contour reading (spurs, gullies, summits, knolls, plateaus . . .)
Off trail route selection
Using an altimeter to find your point position
Contours - contour lines, index contours and contour interval
UTM coordinates - why you should know about them, how to plot and measure
How to use coordinates from a GPS to plot your position on a map and get "unlost"
How to print free topo maps with well marked trails and shaded relief
Magnetic declination (what it is, when you do and do not need to care about it)
How to easily find the correct declination for any point on earth
The Four Core compass skills: measuring a bearing, following a bearing, plotting a compass bearing onto a map, and measuring a bearing from a map
Aiming off - what is is and when to use it
Why triangulation often does not work
7+ helpful navigation tools for your smartphone
Terrain visualization practice (look at a section of topo map, get a picture in your head what the terrain looks like, then look at a Google Earth image of the actual landscape)
If you can answer most of the questions correctly, congrats, your navigation skills are pretty solid!
If you get stuck on a question, most answer slides have a link to an instructional video that covers that particular question in more detail.
You can see the videos on YouTube; search for "Columbia River Orienteering Club."
The navigation challenge is a PDF file that is hosted on a shared Google Drive.