Trip Reports
Here's a few links to a some detailed trip reports I've written for North Sister in Oregon and the West Ridge of Mount Stuart in Washington. They have helped many people over the years, and you might be next. Both are routes where people seem to have a lot of route finding issues, so I want to post up something fairly definitive to give you a better chance of success.
The North Sister trip report is also posted in Summitpost, under the title "Everything you need to know about North Sister." There are some annotated photos that are probably better viewed full size, so go to that post if you want to see all of the pictures in their glory.
The trip reports are PDF files, and hosted on Google Drive.
You can print the PDF and take it with you, or download it and save it onto your phone as a weightless and free resource. (On the iPhone, you can see PDF files using the native iBooks app.)
Climbing Mount Hood FAQ
Looking to climb Mt. Hood? This FAQ is a good start. (Opens Google Drive document)
Route photos
Beta photo, North Sister, from Summitpost trip report
Beta photo, Leuthold Couloir Mt. Hood