Adjustable tether + Fifi hook for tricky cleaning


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Connect and fifi hook for tricky cleaning
  • Need to clean a steeply traversing aid pitch?

  • How about a sport route that's severely overhanging and/or traversing?

The challenge you have in both cases is the gear you're trying to clean is being tensioned by the rope under your bodyweight, and that's usually a pretty big problem.

Here’s a simple way to solve it: an adjustable tether with an aid climbing fifi hook attached. I‘ve used this on the infamously traversing bolt ladder on Monkey Face at Smith Rock Oregon, and it works perfecto.

Be sure your fifi has a “release cord” loop tied into the top hole as we see here. This is key to be able to release this under load.

They usually don't come this way from the store, you have to add it yourself. I'm simply using parachute cord.

Notes . . .

  • It’s pretty much the same procedure for cleaning quickdraws from a steep sport climbing route, but that's a bit easier than this.

  • Yes, there are several methods you can use to accomplish this, but after you try this you may not wanna do the others. Give different techniques a try and see which works best for you.

  • What's sweet about this for aid climbing is that it uses gear that you already have on your harness. Typically you would only use a fifi when leading, but in this case, you remove it from your harness and put it on your tether when needed for cleaning.

Here's how you do it, step-by-step:


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