Alpine Tips

Do This Not That John Godino Do This Not That John Godino

Climbing Tips: Do This, Not That (Part 2)

A series of quick tips on best practices, with links to my detailed articles. This post covers: quad anchor tips, pre threading your haul pulley, the twist-free Munter rappel, how to cut webbing, and a caution on ‘open” slings. (Premium Members can read all of ‘em.)

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1 - Quad anchor - keep the knots low

With a quad anchor, if you’re using a cordelette or longer sewn sling like a 180 cm or 240 cm, it's good practice to tie the knots low down as shown. This will give perfect equalization, but minimizes extension if one arm of the anchor fails.

2 -The (mostly) twist-free Munter hitch rappel

Rappelling on a Munter hitch usually makes evil pigtails/twists in your rope. This can be a serious problem when you pull your rope, because the twists can get caught at the anchor.

However, if you flip your rope back over the carabiner like the photo below, this greatly reduces the rope twists.

3-Don't put rubber bands or tape on an “open" sling

Almost all quickdraws have some sort of a little rubber band thing on the bottom carabiner. This makes it easier to clip.

Some people think that doing the same thing on a “open” sling or alpine quickdraw might also be a good idea. Don’t do this!

If you clip that bottom carabiner back onto the sling, it can configure itself so the entire load is resting only on the rubber band and not on the sling! Yes, there have been two accidents that I know about caused by this.

It's a little hard to describe, but if you play around with it, you can figure it out.


The same applies to a personal tether. Do not put tape or a rubber band on a sling that you use for your tether. If you want to make it a bit easier to clip, use a girth hitch, or maybe better a clove hitch, to hold the carabiner in place.


  • How can you set up your haul system faster, and never drop the rope or your progress capture pulley?

  • Why can it be helpful to cut tubular webbing at a 45° angle instead of a 90° angle?

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Do This Not That John Godino Do This Not That John Godino

Climbing Tips: Do This, Not That (Part 1)

A series of quick tips on best practices, with links to my detailed articles. This post covers: anchor hooks, extending a quickdraw, using a rebelay to protect a fixed rope, “alpine equalization” with cams, and how anchor hardware can twist your rope. (Premium Members can read all of ‘em.)

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1 - Anchor hooks: gates facing out

In a typical anchor with carabiners, it's usually good practice to place them opposite and opposed. However, with anchor hooks (aka Mussy hooks), it's typically best to have them both facing OUT, away from the rock.

Why is this?

The American Safe Climbing Association has installed thousands of these anchors throughout the US. They recommend gates out. Click the article link above to read the longer reasons; here’s the short version:

“Anchor hooks are placed with gates out for a couple reasons. If opposed the inward facing hook tends to gouge into the rock and scar it up, along with orienting strangely to wear much faster on the nose or even get pushed into the bottom of the wiregate. If they are extended with chains to lay flat and opposed the rope gets pinched behind the hooks and wears unnecessarily/grooves the rock.“

2 - How to extend a quickdraw

A steep or reachy sport route may require extended quickdraws.

It's good practice to extend them as shown in the photo below. Of these two, the quick link is more secure. Or you could have a locking carabiner in the middle (left photo) to add further security.

The methods shown below are not so great. In the left, the carabiners could be twisted and unclipped in a fall. On the right, the rope can rub over the top of the dog bone, not good.

3 - Protect a fixed rope with a rebelay

If a fixed rope is running over an edge, it's quite easy to damage the rope, especially with a larger load.

An easy way to fix this: a rebelay. To make a rebelay, make another anchor point (by placing gear or clipping a bolt) below the edge that's being loaded. Pull up a bit of slack, tie a bight knot, and clip that bight to the lower anchor. Now, when the rope is loaded, no force goes to the section of rope over the edge.

  • For “alpine equalization”, where should you clip the cam?

  • What anchor rigging can cause rope twisting, and hoe can you fix it?

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